
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oh, to taste beauty!

I have been dreading starting a blog. I am not a writer. I am told over and over that I write how I speak. Teachers hated it, I assumed it was bad. And, here I am to write about my passion (besides my kids and my Emmett) Interior Design. I make no promises on how often I will post, I will however make my best effort.

Half the battle has been what in the world would the first post be about. Then, today, it hit me like a brand new antique velvet that comes in modern colors (Lee Jofa has the best). Objects I can imagine eating. How to explain. One of my good friends who is a great client has the same cravings. We were showing her wallpaper for her powder room, I will load a photo, and she says. "Yes, this one, I just want to lick it!" And I thought to myself, I know what she means! I see a great vase (shown below) and it strikes me. It moves me. The texture, the shape and form and I can almost taste it.

It happens often, the visceral charge of wanting to taste the beauty. I feel the aesthetic quality so deeply in my skin that eating whatever it is is absolutely fathomable.

I remember nibbling an Avon lip gloss in tutti frutti flavor ( I was probably 7 mind you) that was shaped like a root beer float while watching the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Every time I watched that movie after that I could smell and taste that Avon lip gloss. I think this is where it began.

Where does this come from, Who knows, who cares, I like it.

 Schumacher Shulu Chinois in Lacquer
Hung in Jennifer Potts Powder Room,
Hi Jenn!

Maybe I will post from time to time, objects I want to eat, and you, who have read this will not think I am completely insane. You know, you could send me objects that do the same for you, that would be fun!